Why Lab Diamond?

Now, Lab Grown Diamonds are a girl's best friend


Lab Grown Diamonds are just like test tube babies grown from a single seed of Diamond under the same heat and pressure as in the crust of mother earth. They are ecologically friendly as they do not scar the earth with mining.

What is difference between Lab Grown Diamond and Natural Diamond?

Natural diamonds formed millions to billions of years ago in Earth’s mantle then were explosively carried by kimberlite and lamproite volcanoes to Earth’s surface, often carrying fascinating inclusions within them. The oldest laboratory-grown diamonds are decades old; they are created in laboratories or large factories, most commonly using the High-Pressure, High-Temperature (HPHT) method or the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method. Laboratory-grown diamonds appear identical to natural diamonds to the unaided eye and typically require testing by a laboratory with advanced instruments to be identified.

How lab created diamonds are made?

Lab grown diamonds are identical to natural diamonds in every way, but are created in a controlled environment using cutting-edge technology, rather than the depths of the earth. And, if you’re wondering “do lab-grown diamonds pass a diamond tester?” They absolutely do! they will test positive using any diamond testing method.

Two main procedures are commonly used to create lab grown diamonds, High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Both methods simulate the earth’s natural processes to create beautiful diamonds in a controlled laboratory setting.

What are the benefits of a Lab Grown Diamond?

There’s now a new twist to the old saying; now, it’s a lab-grown diamond that’s a girl’s best friend. Advocates of the traditional stone may argue, but jewelers and diamond-lovers across the world are slowly waking up to the fact that lab-grown diamonds – which are chemically identical to mined diamonds – are the new face of enduring love. Lab-grown diamonds, as their name suggests, are manufactured in labs under conditions that mimic the natural diamond-forming process, like high pressures and high temperatures.

Today, manufactured diamonds are increasingly being used to make remarkable pieces of jewelry. There are several reasons why these man-made diamonds are growing more popular by the day. Here are just a few of the benefits that lab-grown diamonds have over their natural counterparts.

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