PM Modi’s gift Eco-friendly Diamond to U.S. First Lady Jill Biden ! So why you not?​

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The lab-grown diamond (LGD) is at the heart of India’s bid to become a global leader in producing the synthetic alternative, which has a much smaller carbon footprint than mined diamonds, and is seen as “conflict free.”

According to India Today, the production of the diamond gifted to the Bidens produced just 0.028 grams of Co2 per carat, which is over 100,000 times less emissions per carat than the production of the average mined diamond.


Mr. Narendra Modi gave a present to the USA’s First Lady with a 7.50 Carat weighted lab grown diamond in a brilliant round shape. This round shaped lab grown diamond has identical characteristics and attributes as the earth mined diamond called the natural or mined diamond.



In recent days India’s Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, has been on his first visit to the USA State. Gathering the world’s two largest democratic countries at one stage made the partnership ideal and strong.



The 0.21 grams of carbon emitted from the 7.50 carat lab grown diamond which indicates how eco-friendly this diamond is. This diamond is certified by the worldwide recognized Institute IGI (International

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